Matagorda Island, South Shoreline
We hit it just right Saturday, leaving the ramp around noon. We toured the back lakes looking for Redfish that might be congragated in some deeper pools only to find very little in the back country shallows which were on extreme low water.
Running the outside beaches we came across school after school of Black Drum forgaing over sand bottoms with a few scattered Redfish in the mix. We finally came up on a large school of Redfish holding over mud/grass but they were very picky eaters. We moved a few hundred yards only to run into another large concentration and managed four slot Reds with a very slow bite. We fired up and took a look around only to run into another large concentration of fish and the action got hot and heavy. In short order we finished our limit only to sit and watch in awe as two different herds humped up the water. The fish were pushing a big headwall of water around in circles; flipping bait out the water; and, having a grand old time. These antics I've seen a few times, maybe more than a few, but it's never often enough.
It was a real nice warm up today, surely it's a sign of things to come.
Capt. Kris Kelley
Castaway Lodge