Castaway Lodge Seadrift Report
By Capt. Kris Kelley
Lodge News
We'd like to announce that
Capt. Avery Wallace has joined the roster here at the lodge. Avery's vast waterbody knowleage and dedication to top flight professionalism and client satisfaction will make a nice addition to an already powerful lineup of highly skilled local watermen. Crazy about duck hunting and airboat redfishing, Avery brings with him a 20' raked airboat powered by a 502/502 and a comfortable fishing and duck hunting platform.
Fishing Report
We managed to hit the weather window right for a change here over the weekend. Guests from Midland and Brenham hit it right airboat fishing the shallow mud/grass environs with Capt. Avery and I. These trips are always fun this time of year. It's hard to beat up close and personal Whooping Crane sightings. Top that with Redfish bursting the slot and stripping drags. If that's not enough, pile on swarms of Black Drum tearing up the bottom looking to spawn and testing the biceps and any weaknesses in our equipment.
Stunning Sights
Just add a little water level rise and a slight warm up between fronts and the fish are coiling up to move into the shallows in search of anything to eat. Capt. Chris and Capt. Avery were scouting ahead of trips and reported seeing enormous schools of Redfish pushing into the 100's along with massive schools of Black Drum staging on outside beaches. These fish are looking to move shallow accessing draws, guts, and openings to ease into shallow bays. The shallow mud/grass bays offer warmth relative to hard sand or oyster shell along with food sources.
Bait Migrations
Not every "Spring" is the same and this one is a little different at this point. Shrimpers are reporting that small bait shrimp are being caught out of 15 fathoms offshore as these cold snaps keep pushing bait stocks out of the bays. We're looking at delays at the bait camps for live shrimp which may push into late March.
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Capt. Kris Kelley
Castaway Lodge
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