(Off The Chart)
Outstanding catches early in February are mere pale memories relative to the push of fish we're experiencing here in March. With the schedule slammed to the wall it's non-stop lid poppers working the back shallows for flats burners. Capt. Doug went deep for Trout and Capt. James E. and I went shallow on Saturday in miserable conditions with wind and rain (warmer relative to Friday's chilling rainfest though). Capt. Doug picked up a solid box of Trout to 22" working shell in SAB with PCS. Capt. James struggled on the fringe shallows with poor visibility but managed some solid Redfish pushing the upper slot.
Trout are breaking out strong between fronts over shell and we're just on the tip of that pattern. Black Drum are stacked so thick in the back marsh they've actually brought limits of Redfish to a halt. Physically impossible is the term I would use regarding catching a limit of Redfish at present. Herds of Black Drum are sitting on top of Redfish feeding grounds and dominating the scenery. The clients have been unable to withstand the non-stop barrage of 17-24" rib bruisers taking them near exhaustion. That's making for a lot of smiles as you can imagine. I've never seen anything quite like it at present and that's a lot of years in the back marsh talking.
We you hope you start the week off with a bang, come see us when you get a chance!
Capt. Kris Kelley
Castaway Lodge