Fishing Report
We've been crazy busy here at the lodge and the fishing remains consistently excellent for guests. Boat fishermen are finding great fun tackling Redfish schools on the flats while wade fishermen have been getting into Trout action. We're heading for a crazy busy Fall season as we push through the last hot dawg days of the Summer of 2021. If you haven't made it in for a trip this year, give us a shout and let's make some memories!
Around The Corner
Cooler weather will be on tap as we head for the 2021 Texas Alligator Season. Flooding early this year has refreshed everything and we're expecting some awesome hunts. Early Teal, Dove, plenty of Night Vision hog hunts, flounder gigging, and awesome Fall fishing is ahead.
We've got lots and lots of great fishing ahead of us. So if you're planning a trip, get started by giving us a call.
Capt. Kris Kelley Castaway Lodge 1-888-618-4868