Castaway Lodge Seadrift Report
By Capt. Kris Kelley
We took a page out of the 30 knot wind playbook to keep the rods bent and the drags singing over the big holiday weekend. Limits of Black Drum and Redfish graced the boards and put smiles on everyones faces. Our 85 Quart Yetis have been straining under the load of Black Drum limits in the 18 to 26" range along with Redfish limits in the mid-slot.
It looks like we're heading for what the Weatherman is calling a "Summer Pattern" with winds beginning more familiar undulations and intensities. Along with this "Summer Pattern", it is being forecasted that we're going to have an open door for rain possibilities which are certainly welcome everywhere. Let's just see if the old weather prognosticators have got their stuff together?
Hope you had a great long weekend, come see us!
Capt. Kris Kelley
Castaway Lodge, Seadrift Texas