Castaway Lodge Seadrift Report
By Capt. Kris Kelley
The fishing has heated up right along with the thermometer. With temperatures approaching 105 degrees, its never been more important to stay hydrated. Wednesday evening we welcomed a large Wine company in for a two day event. Thursday found hot fishing for Trout with less success on Redfish. Coming off the water, all Capts. reported the excessive heat taking a toll on the guests and guides alike. I know I wasn't quite right for about 3-4 hours after returning to the lodge with Trout limits. That brought the early focus "dial in" to a fevered pitch. Sure enough, Friday's fishing was lack luster at best early. Digging into the heat of the day found the best action on Trout with near limits coming in for all the guests. Capt. Terry managed to thump Redfish limits while Capt. Jake took full Trout limits over both days with a few Redfish mixed in. Jake even stumbled into a small Ling and took a quick picture before releasing it. Capt. James and I also went deep into the Trout numbers for both days working deep shell in SAB and Mesquite.
We also welcomed in a charity benefit for a person in Victoria suffering from Cancer. Capt. Doug had the honors on the Shelby group today and right off the bat stumbled into a brawl with a 50+ Lb Black Drum. Doug worked up a few Redfish and a short box of Trout for the auction winners. This makes the third benefit/charity donation of the year for us here at The Lodge.
If you are hitting the water any time soon, be sure and add some Gator aid or other electrolyte and carb replenishing beverages to the ice chest....then remember to drink it by starting early and often.
We hope you have a great week, come see us!
Capt. Kris Kelley
Castaway Lodge