Castaway Lodge Seadrift Report
By Capt. Kris Kelley
Sponsored by: Mercury Marine; Air Ranger Airboats; Haynie Bay Boats; Baysport Marine Victoria; Castaway Rods; JL Marine; Pure Fishing; and, Bob's Machine Shop.
South winds brought a blistering pace to the action over mud and grass lately. Shallow venues devoid of fish until Saturday came flush with schools making the bold push "ultra skinny". While we continue to pry very low water conditions, the change in winds to a Southerly direction put a murky olive green hue on previously gin clear flats. Large areas I had on the "no fly" list since early February came alive. The Capt's. of Castaway Lodge all went to work amidst a flurry of drag burning bow-ups.
This is the first push shallow for the fish this year. I said before we're running a little late but it's amazing how fast we can catch up. With Sunday's wind switch to the North and gusting into the 20's, I was greeted by not a sole at the boat ramp. That's a familiar sight for us but our guests know what's in store. We lit into a rising water pattern feed as the big winds pushed what little water we have across the bay. I picked up fish quickly on visual through a couple of moves that had us busting the fish box. Black Drum to 24" and Redfish in the middle slot were on a rampage. We love to play in big winds, and today was no exception.
Sure Sign of Spring
We are starting to see the first signs of Pin Perch over grass. They make the run into deeper Gulf waters during the winter. Seeing them show up means warmer waters and hopefully the first sign of a Spring Tide is around the corner.
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Capt. Kris Kelley
Castaway Lodge
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