Castaway Lodge Seadrift Report
By Capt. Kris Kelley
Sponsored by: Mercury Marine; Air Ranger Airboats; Haynie Bay Boats; Baysport Marine Victoria; Castaway Rods; JL Marine; Pure Fishing; and, Bob's Machine Shop
.Texas Coastal Duck HuntingNot much fishing going on the last few days but the waterfowl schedule continues to
. We've welcomed folks from the Carolina's; Indiana; Connecticut; and Minnesota boys arrived today. This last stretch of weather found us taking solid numbers of puddle ducks with divers really putting the icing on the cake and making for some breath taking afternoons. Goose hunting has had its usual ups and downs with upper 20's setting the high water mark and limits of "tar belly" Specks with a few juveniles mixed in. Dark goose ends this Sunday for us.
Weather is just getting crazy good as we head into the stretch toward Season End on Jan 25th. We've done the pain so now we'll take a little gravy ride. Button up and get the band aids ready for the trigger finger!
We hope you've had a safe and enjoyable season. We'd like to thank everyone for joining us thus far and for those awaiting their time with us. Come see us when you get a chance.
Check dates and inquire at us on
Facebook or check our
photos on Flickr and we promise to "love you back"!
Capt. Kris KelleyCastaway Lodge1-888-618-4868 www.seadriftbayfishing.comFacebook: Castaway LodgePinterest: Castaway Lodge