Having clients hunting and fishing with us over the Thanksgiving Holiday is a tradition dating back 15 years with us. With 11 guests arriving as early as Tuesday, from both ends of the Nation, we knew it was going to be another memorable Thanksgiving Holiday. A mild cold front Tuesday led our guests to full to near limits of ducks, and set the stage for some awesome fishing. With water levels quickly rebounding “post front” our guests enjoyed blistering hot action on the flats with full-limits of Redfish and Black Drum.
Upper San Antonio Bay saw the full freshwater push from the Gaudalupe River on Thursday with debris and lilly pads coming down river and into the upper reaches of SAB and Mission Bay. The flow was pretty fast with crab buoys being dragged under water by the current. Redfish still seem to be in every nook and cranny and pocket lake in the area.
Knocking it out of the park over the holiday season included the full compliment of “Team Castaway” including Capt. Steve Boldt, Capt. Jake Huddleston, Capt. James Cunningham, Capt. Chris Cady, Capt. Doug Russell. Miss Wendi worked her wonders in the kitchen with another Thanksgiving “throw-down” including smoked ham, fried turkey, sweet potato casserole, green bean casserole, giblet gravy, cornbread dressing, pinto beans w/ham, pea salad, mac-n-cheese, cocoa-nut cream pies, pecan pie, cranberry/orange bread, pumpkin bread, homemade brownies and cookies.
We would like to thank our guests for choosing Castaway Lodge as “the destination” for their Thanksgiving Holiday. We welcome everyone to the tradition here at The Lodge and set the table for a majestic experience in Texas great outdoors.
Castaway Lodge, Inc.
109 W. Austin
Seadrift, TX 77983
1-888-618-4868 Office
361-785-4487 Fax
361-648-3474 Cell