Gear Up For Old School Winter!
Posted By Kris/ In Castaway Lodge Hunting Fishing / Monday, November 21, 2022

Gear Up For Old School Winter!

Texas Waterfowl Conditions

So Much For Drought/Welcome Old School Winter/Wet, Rainy, Cold

Everything is a cycle from abnormally low interest rates, inflation, and weather! The drought conditions that persisted throughout the Summer have disappeared into wet conditions with old school chilly and cold. After last years unusually warm conditions, Mother Nature has whipsawed us right into Winter 1993. Bone chilling winds, cold, temperatures down into the low 40's are making for "an adjustment period" as we toughen up to the days when we had actual Winter's. As of this writing, Buffalo, NY just had 77" of Snow fall. So we're going to be blessed with a Winter of yesteryear and probably some Vortex's of one kind or another. Our pre-trip information has always referenced "Out-of-State" guests are advised to bring gear for colder than you think possible to warmer than you think possible. This is an environment where the humidity and chill off the bay will cut you like a knife and attempt to suck the life smooth out of you. So it's important to button up with wind and waterproof shell and have the ability to add or subtract layers beneath that shell. Given the gear available everywhere (so much better than back in the day) there is no excuse for being unprepared afield or on the water. This is even more relevant regarding the younger guns and kids. A $2.00 poncho from Wal Mart is not going to cut it and it may actually ruin these youngsters from venturing afield. Don't make that mistake. Get them the best waterproof outer shell you can afford and allow time to possibly order it if you can't find the size on the rack. A heavy non waterproof jacket can still be utilized but there must be a waterproof outter shell that can fit over it and Frogg Toggs AREN'T GOING TO CUT IT".

Look for a rubberized vinyl or canvas outer shell like the Neptune Jacket or Brigg44 from and things like it. These can also be worn beneath a heavy non-waterproof jacket - the main goal is to stay dry, warm, and comfortable. On the premium end of things, take a look at Sitka and KUIU. Most of this gear could take a summit to K-2 or Everest. When it comes to tackling the elements, sometimes you just can't have enough gear.

Layering Down - when dealing with vast and wide ranging weather, you've got to be able to dress down to keep from burning up. These Neptune and Brigg44 outter waterproof shells can keep you waterproof but also not burning up if the weather shifts warmer and they're great for repelling mosquito's.

There's no such thing as a "weather cancellation" during waterfowl season - so get prepared for a rough stretch during the 22/23 season.

On the duck side - we've got more birds on the Texas Gulf Coast at the moment than we had all the way out through December of last year. We've been having some nice shoots hampered occasionally by lots and lots of rainfall. There's no shortage of North winds, however, and that's going to keep the barrel's warm with the body of a great season ahead.

Tight lines and good hunting!

Capt. Kris Kelley Castaway Lodge 1-888-618-4868


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